In Remembrance
October 2001 Edition
Compiled by Bill Hillman
Wherein we share an eclectic assortment of items 
- whacky and wise -
gleaned from the 
Internet, media and contributing readers.
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A collection of Songs, Poems and Ditties
sung by servicemen (and women) in
Battles, Barracks and Bars down through the years.
Due to the nature of the lyrics on this site they contain strong profanity and sexual references.
Therefore if you are young or easily offended


     23rd Flotilla
      4th RTR Song
      51st Highland Division's Farewell to Scilicy

      A Poor Aviator Lay Dying (WW 1)
      A Sailor Ain't a Salior Any More
      Abdul Abulbul Amir
      Ali Baba Morshead and His Twenty Thousand Thieves
      Ally Sloper's Cavalry
      Alphabet Song 
      And He Ain't Going to Jump no More
      Are We Downhearted? No! No! No! (WWI)
      Artillery Alphabet

      Ball of Kirriemuir 
      Ballad of Eskimo Nell
      Ballad of the Blue Beret (Navy)
      Bell-Bottom Trousers 
      Bless 'Em All Various Versions
      Bollocky Bill the Sailor
      Bombed Last Night (WW 1)
      Bootie Song 
      Botany Bay
      British Soldier's Discharge Song (WW 1)

      Cats on Rooftops
      Caviar Song
      Christmas Day in the Brown House

      D-Day Dodgers
      Desert Blues
      Down by St. Valery

      Engineer's Song {aka The Great Wheel} (Army Version)

      Flanders' Field (Poem)
      Flying Flying Fortresses
      Frightfully G.H.Q.

      Glenwhorple Highlanders
      Good Ship Venus
      Green Eyed Idol {service version} (Poem)

      HMS Hood
      Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire (WW 1)
      Hearts of Oak
      Hitler Has Only Got One Ball
      Horseferry Road
      How the Money Rolls In

      I don't want to be a soldier
      I Don't Want to Go to War
      If I Were a Merry Maid
      In a Little Dug-Out
      Irene (USAF)


      Lagos Lagoon
      Land of Heat and Sweaty Socks
      Lay That Luger Down
      Let's have a Party 

      Lillie Marlene
      Lobster Song
      Lydia Pink 

      Mademoiselle from Armentiéres
      US Marine's Hymn
      Men of Harlech
      My Faithless English Rose 
      My Little Dug-Out in the Sand

      No More Soldiering For Me
      North Atlantic Squadron (Canadian version)
      North Atlantic Squadron (American version)

      Ode to The Fallen
      Oh It's a Lovely War! (WW 1)
      Oo-La La! Wee-Wee 
      Our Cousins
      Outside a Lunatic Asylum

      Pack Up Your Troubles, (Smile, Smile, Smile)
      Party at El Alamein

      Quartermaster's Store 

      Ram It - I'm RDP
      Rats of Tobruk
      Rob 'Em All
      Roll Along, Wavy Navy 
      Roll Her Over (in the Clover) 
      Roll On Me Time, Boys 
      Rhyfelgyrch Gwyr Harlech 

      Side by Side 
      Sing Us Another One
      Skidding Down the Runway
      Smile, Smile, Smile, (Pack Up Your Troubles)
      Soldier ©Harvey Andrews 1972 
      South of the Sangro
      Sweet Violets
      Submariner's Bible (Not a Song)
      Sulva Bay (WW 1)

      Ten Little Paratroopers
      Times is Hard
      The Band Played Waltzing Matilda 
      The Guns (WW 1)
      Three German officers crossed the Rhine 
      Tommy (Poem)
      'Twas Christmas In The Trenches
      Twentieth Century Soldier

      Venal Vera

      What a Way to Die
      When this bleeding war is over
      Who'll Fly a Wimpey
      Woad Song
      Wonderful Poppies of Flanders (Post WW 1)
      Woodpecker Song

Military language is littered with "in-speak", abbreviations, slang, acronyms, foreign phrases and historical references.
This section is an attempt to explain some of the terms that appear in the songs on this site.

Lancashire Life ~ Sounds of Formby ~ The Auction ~ Beryl Formby ~ The Atlantic Showboat ~ CD Discography ~ Film Reviews ~ George Formby Sr. ~ George Hoy ~ The 40th Anniversary ~ Join The Society ~ Leading Ladies ~ Lyrics ~ News Archive ~ George Formby ~ The 78s Collection ~ Zip Goes A Million ~ Links

The show business career of George Formby spanned exactly FORTY YEARS, beginning in 1921 until his death in 1961. During that period he appeared in 21 hit films, cut over 230 records, made hundreds of stage performances, appeared in two Royal Command Performances and entertained an estimated THREE MILLION Allied Servicemen and women during World War II throughout Europe and the Middle East. He also made personal appearances and was quite popular in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

By 1939, George Formby was the most popular and highest paid entertainer in the British Isles and was estimated to be earning over £100,000 a year. The secret of his success was a unique combination of personality, natural ability and talent coupled with the driving force of his wife, Beryl as his Manager. With his natural human warmth and friendliness, George could hold a live audience in the palm of his hand as he sang and played the ukulele in his own inimitable style. He seemed to have the ability to make people enjoy what he did, and his audiences always called for more.

George Formby helped write and perform over 300 original songs, largely flavoured with his own brand of English North Country humour. He was well known for playing the Banjo Ukulele, a hybrid instrument combining the Hawaiian ukulele and the big American Banjo, which had been invented by Alvin D. Keech and christened by him as the 'Banjulele'

Read the rest of this fascinating story in the
George Formby Story section of the George Formby Society Website

The words to all the recorded songs of George Formby will eventually be found here.
The collection is now up to 170 songs and growing, and more will be added periodically.

The ONLY site on the WWW to feature George’s songs in MIDI format.
All the songs on this site have been created by Gerry for your enjoyment.
Please feel free to use them but be kind enough to keep the Copyright © note with them.

     Andy the Handy Man
      Banjo Boy  (Last recording)
      Biceps Muscle and Brawn
      Bless 'em All
      Chinese Laundry Blues
      Count Your Blessings And Smile
      Fanlight Fanny
      Frigid Air Fanny
      Frank on his tank
      Happy Go Lucky Me 
      He Was Such a Daring Young Man
      Hindoo Man
      Hitting The High Spots Now
      Hi Tiddly Hi Ti Island
      I Don't Like
      I Remember George
      If I Had A Girl Like You
      Imagine Me In The Maginot Line
      I'm The Ukulele Man
      Its A Grand And Healthy Life
      It’s In The Air
      I’d Like a Dream Like That
      I Remember George
      I Wish I Was Back On The Farm
      I'm leaning on a lamppost
      I'm making Headway Now
      In My Little Snapshot Album
      Its Turned Out Nice Again
      Keep Fit
      Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major
      Mister Wu's a Window Cleaner Now
      Mother what'll I do now?
      Madam Moscovich
      Oh Dear Mother (For my mate Joe Brown) 
      Mr. Wu (Is In The Chinese Navy Now)
      Mr. Wu Is Now An Air Raid Warden
      My Auntie Maggie's Remedy
      My Granddads Flannelette Nightshirt 
      My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock 
      Noughts and Crosses
      Oh Don't The Wind Blow Cold
      On The Wigan Boat Express
      Our Sergeant Major
      Out in the Middle East
      Riding in the TT races
      Rhythm In The Alphabet
      Swing Momma
      Swinging Along Singing A Song
      Sitting On The Ice in The Ice Rink
      Some Of These Days
      Sarie Marais/Afrikaanse Liedjie 
      Smile All The Time
      Swimmin' with the Wimmin'
      Talking to the moon about you
      The Bowler Hat my Grandad left to me
      The Lancashire Toreador
       The Left Hand Side of Egypt
       The Fiddler Kept on Fiddling
       The Old Kitchen Kettle
       The Old Bazaar in Cairo
      They Laughed When I started to Play
       Under the Blasted Oak
       With My little ukulele in my hand
       We're Going To Hang Out The Washing On The Siegfried Line
       When We Feather Our Nest 
       When We Feather Our Nest (No 2)
       You can’t keep a growing Lad Down
       You Don't Need a Licence for That
       When I'm cleaning windows
       When You’re Smiling
        Who Are You A Shovin' Of
       Why Don't Women Like Me
       Wunga Bunga Boo
       You Cant Go Wrong In These
       You Can’t Stop Me from Dreaming
Read the Reviews
George and Gary Marsh

By The Shortest Of Heads ~ Boots! Boots! ~ Off The Dole  ~  The Song That Made A Star - George Formby Cavalcade ~ No Limit  ~  Keep Your Seats Please ~  Feather Your Nest ~ Keep Fit ~ I See Ice ~ It's In The Air ~ Trouble Brewing ~ Come On George ~ Let George Do It  ~ Spare A Copper  ~  Turned Out Nice Again  ~ South American George ~ Much Too Shy ~ Get Cracking  ~ Bell Bottom George  ~  He Snoops To Conquer ~ I Didn't Do It ~ George In Civvy Street 


Part of the

Glenn Miller
Alton Glenn Miller
March 1, 1904 ~ December 14, 1944
Famous for being the leader of the most popular big band during the Big Band Era, Glenn Miller is the music symbol of a generation.

Born on March 1, 1904, in Clarinda, Iowa, Miller grew up in a solid Midwestern family. During Miller's early years, his family moved frequently to places such as North Platte, Nebraska, and Grant City, Missouri. While in Grant City, Miller milked cows to earn money to buy a trombone. After graduating from high school, Miller attended classes for two years at the University of Colorado. It was in college, that his interest in music flourished. He continued to play the trombone and also worked with Boyd Senter's band in Denver. At that point, Miller's love for music took over. He left the university and went to the west coast to try his luck as a musician.

Miller played for several small bands until he joined Ben Pollack's orchestra in 1927. When Pollack's orchestra moved to New York, Miller left the band to pursue the many opportunities that the city offered including freelancing for other artists such as Red Nichols, Smith Ballew, and the Dorsey Brothers.

In 1934, Miller helped Ray Noble start an orchestra, which soon became popular through its radio broadcasts. By 1937, Miller's own popularity among big band circles enabled him to form an orchestra of his own, which eventually disbanded. In 1938, Miller put together a second band. Although he struggled through the first two years, Miller's imagination, strong will, and
determination kept The Glenn Miller Orchestra and their aspirations alive. In March 1939, the band had its first important engagement to play at the famous Glen Island Casino in a New York suburb. A second engagement at Meadowbrook in New Jersey soon followed. By mid-summer, the orchestra had achieved great popularity and demand through their radio broadcasts from both engagements. Some of the orchestra's classics include "Chattanooga Choo Choo," "String of Pearls," and "Moonlight Serenade." The band was featured in two films, Sun Valley Serenade (1941) and Orchestra Wives (1942).

In October 1942, Miller disbanded his orchestra and joined the US Army Air Force with the rank of captain and assembled a quality dance band to perform for the troops. When the troops moved to England, Miller's band followed. On December 14, 1944, Miller got on a plane to Paris. The plane never arrived. It crashed somewhere over the English Channel. Miller's death was mourned by music lovers all over the world, and he was heralded as a hero worldwide. The movie The Glenn Miller Story, starring Jimmy Stewart, was filmed in 1953 as a tribute to Miller.

Miller's band was one of the most popular and best-known dance bands of the Swing Era. His music, a careful mixture of swing, jazz, and improvisation, gained the admiration and praise of audiences and critics alike. Glenn Miller and his orchestra's magnificent music will be always remembered by those who enjoy the beautiful sounds they produced.



The 1940s: WWII Photos

Stories by the people who survived the Battle of Britain:
RAF and Luftwaffe pilots ~ Nurses ~ Artillery Gunners ~ Flight Controllers ~
Children ~ Home Guard ~ Civilian Volunteers

A memorial to those aircrew who fought the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain and
later became immortalised as Churchill's Few or Dowding's Chicks

On a Wing and a Prayer by William Phillips: Click to order

An association of former military dependents who were stationed on various Air Force Bases around the world.

Victoria Cross
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 © 2008 Bill Hillman