February 2001 Edition
Compiled by Bill Hillman
Wherein we share an eclectic assortment of items 
- whacky and wise -
gleaned from the 
Internet, media and contributing readers.
Please send your ideas and contributions to the
CATPM Webmaster

Visit Our Past Issues Archive at:
As You Were: Contents
New this month
The Ex-Air Gunners Association of Canada

Painting of the HMCS Prince Robert by Bill Sloan
H.M.C.S. Prince Robert painting by Bill Sloan

Gary McGregor
Gary McGregor,
a major contributor to our
reports that
Bill Sloan of Etobikoke, Ontario, 
has completed a watercolour of the 

Bill Sloan is a vet of HMCS MORDEN and his paintings have long been appreciated in the naval fraternity. The PR painting is a great piece of work, with impressive colouring and detailing as seen in the very small reproduction displayed here. A limited number of prints are available on 11x17 heavy, glossy 28lb paper. The price is only $10 to cover the cost of printing, packaging and postage. 
Purchasers of the print are also asked to make a small contribution, on an honour basis, to the 
Comfort Fund (for ailing and hospitalized vets) of the Naval Club of their choosing. 
Your orders may be placed through 
Gary McGregor at:

WHILE I WAS stationed at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina, one of the airmen smuggled a pet rabbit into the barracks. "Fred" became our mascot.  When we learned that the administrative officer, a gung-ho captain, was to inspect our quarters, a new home had to be found for Fred. Someone suggested the captain's house. He lived on base with his family, and Fred would still be part of the unit.
     That evening the captain was to be out of town. We put Fred in a box, wrapped it and placed it on the front porch. After ringing the doorbell, we hid and watched the captain's youngest son jump with delight when he saw Fred and read our note: "To my sons with all my love. Dad."
-- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Humor in Uniform" by Dave Reuter

For our readers who may not have noticed our Guest Book at:
we have collated some of the entries from over the past year.
We invite all of our visitors to take a moment to sign the book.

Wednesday 11/10/1999 3:36:34am
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Welcome to the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum. We look forward to reading your comments... come back and visit us often.
William G. Hillman: CATP Museum Webmaster

Wednesday 11/10/1999 5:29:49pm
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
Brandon, Manitoba
Greetings from the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum!
Welcome to our web site. Please let us know what you think and how we can serve you better. Visit us often and enjoy!
Stephen Hayter - CATP Museum Director

Tuesday 01/18/2000 3:39:26pm
Wings For Freedom
Calgary, AB
You guys have a great site, found it very interesting - keep up the great work.
Cheers ~ We Can Never Forget
Bob Hurst

Wednesday 11/24/1999 3:14:43am
Brandon, Manitoba
Looking good!
Bob Wooley
Saturday 11/13/1999 6:49:15pm
Toledo, Ohio
This site is very interesting and well presented. As a Vietnam Veteran I always applaud that which memorializes our fighting men. Through such sites as yours the deeds and lives and memories of such men, and women, will not be lost.
Bob Woodley
Tarak'sLands of Adventure

Friday 11/12/1999 7:29:57pm
Pretty homepage pictures. Love the flag and shield thingy. Good job? Eh?.

Monday 02/28/2000 5:54:32pm
Riding Mountain MB
Wonderful site! The virtual tour is excellent, but to really "feel" the full impact of the CATP museum, you have to see it in person. I encourage everyone who visits this site to take a personal tour. You won't be disappointed.
Clinton Mutch
Tuesday 02/08/2000 4:51:49pm
Capt V. Goldman
Stouffville, ON
I enjoyed looking at your site. My dad was ground crew for the programme. I grew up hearing many stories both humorous and tragic about the pilot trainees at Bagotville.

Monday 02/07/2000 11:01:45pm
SQN.LDR. Eric Robinson,OBE.
Arendal,Heswall, Wirral, Cheshire, England
I received my Wings at 37 SFTS Calgary 5th Nov.1942. FIS at TRENTON,ONT. and Instructed for two years on HARVARDS at 34 SFTS Medicine HAT.Flew 2000 Hours in CANADA on Commonwealth AIR Training Plan. Enjoyed every moment. Good Luck and Best Wishes. Eric Robinson.

Saturday 01/22/2000 2:31:50pm
Brian P. Smith
Rhode Island
Greetings. My mother's cousin, Leading Aircraftman Patrick Ernest Maguire, RCAF, from Montreal, was killed at Yorkton service flying training school on 7 OCT 42. My  research has revealed that he was involved in a midair collision while flying a   cessna crane. I have requested a copy of his service records from the National Archives of Canada. Anyone having information about Yorkton, etc, please respond. I would be most appreciative. Patrick's only other sibling, was killed in the Netherlands while serving with the Governor General's Foot Guards. Thanks.

Wednesday 01/19/2000 6:09:04pm
Canada At War: A Books List
hi, nice site. I'll be updating my links page and will include the fact that you are selling the Memorial book.

Thursday 07/06/2000 12:37:28am
Stuart Manson
Cornwall, ON
I am searching for one "Flight Sergeant Ferguson" (given name unknown), a Canadian pilot at the No. 7 Air Gunner School (25th Air Wing, RAF) near Cardiff, Wales during the Second World War. He was one of two Canadian pilots at the school. I am interested in locating him if he is still alive.

Saturday 06/17/2000 11:08:35am
War Time Memories Project
Great site, would love to visit the museum! I`m researching war time memories for a project and hopefully a book one day. If you have any recollections to add please visit my site or e-mail me.
Friday 05/05/2000 0:16:42am
Joan Isaac
Your website is really excellent. I am currently researching my uncle's (Pilot Officer Thomas Jones RAFVR)service career - he trained in the CATP at 33 EFTS in Caron, Saskatchewan, and then 39 SFTS at Swift Current, also in Saskatchewan between October 1942 and March 1943. Sadly a few months after posting to 15 Squadron he was shot down and killed with all his crew over occupied France in May 1944. I am pleased that your site remembers the intensive training that so many young men went through - and the ultimate sacrifice that so many of them made.

Wednesday 03/29/2000 4:22:54pm
Hal Ammons
Florida, now in Brandon,Florida
Very nice sight. Great concept and well carried out. I will be spending some time here for sure. Looking forward to a in person visit to the musuem . Keep up the good work. Well Done.  Msgt Hal Ammons, USAF, (Ret)p.s. formaly U S Navy: VA-65,USS Essex,CAG-2,7th Fleet a/c: AD-4B,AD-6 
Monday 03/13/2000 4:29:47pm
Mary Beth htmlGEAR Support Team
GEAR land
Just checking to make sure your guestGEAR is working properly. Thanks for choosing htmlGEAR!

Sunday 01/14/2001 6:08:45pm
I was a pupil on the last course No.122atat Brandon No.12 SFTS

Friday 10/13/2000 4:24:50am
Wally P. Fydenchuk
Keep up the good work!! I am seeking information on Americans who served in the RCAF during WWII. See my article, "Yanks In The RCAF" in the November 2000 issue of "Air Classics"

Tuesday 10/03/2000 8:16:00pm
Glenn Johnson
Brandon Sun
Brandon Sun Newspaper ~ Brandon, MB
Nice site and a great museum. Keep up the good work. Thank you to all who have served our country.

Wednesday 08/09/2000 7:06:43pm
John Lameck
Windsor, ontario
I am one of your Lifetime Members and a contributor to the Museum. I just found out your website in the latest edition of Contact Vo.17. No.3. Wish that I had known of  this fact before now. I've enjoyed touring the Museum on the 'net and hopefully one of these days I will finally be able to visit in person. I really enjoyed what I have seen, and will continue to visit in this fashion from time to time. Keep up the great work!
Caught In Our Site:
 Websites of Interest to our As You Were readers:
Pay them a visit and check out the photos and stories.
Dad's War
Finding and Telling 
Your Father's World War II Story
Dad's Story

A great storehouse of links and directions 
for researching and writing a tribute page 
to your dad or family member who served in WWII

My Father's Website -
Sgt Don Bruce
115 Squadron RAF
115 Squadron ~ RAF
The articles in this site  have
all been written by my father
and are all copyright to him.
I have convinced him that his
stories should be shown to
keep the history alive.
These are a few of the many
memories that he has.
Jean Darley
National Memorial Museum of Canada's Air Forces
Trenton, Ontario
Steve Snider's painting of planned future museum
Back in October 11th 1929, Trenton was selected
as the site of a major new military airfield,
where combined land plane and seaplane operations
could be carried out. Since then, it was the home of the
Commonwealth Air Training Plan and later became the
focal point for major taskings in the Korean War,
the Cold War, and the Gulf War.
The famed Avro Arrow made from here mades its
only flights here in the '50s.
Today Trenton continues to provide support to NATO,
UN Peacekeeping, and Search and Rescue Operations.
World War II day by day
German Military operations 1939-1945
by Christoph Awender

Daily reports, maps and scores of photos
from many different sources:
private collections,
original propaganda-fotos and postcards,
from propaganda 
and official Wehrmacht publications.


1st Canadian Parachute Battalion (GPSMH)
WWII Fighter Profiles
WWII Alternate History Page
WWII On The Web
WWII Air Force Cartoon Journals
War Brides Registry
A large collection of WWII sites

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Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
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Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum: RCAFHMCS Prince Robert: Hillman WWII Scrapbook - RCNXII Dragoons - 26 RCA Museum
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 © 2008 Bill Hillman