WAR YEARS MEMORIES January 2001 Compiled by Bill Hillman
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to the
and the
Oldest fighter pilot turns 104
Article by Lt Paul Doucette, 8 Wing Asst. Public Affairs OfficerNovember 7 was a big day for Flight Lieutenant Henry Botterell (Ret'd), arguably the world's oldest fighter pilot, when he turned a youthful 104 years young. Botterell is a veteran of World War I and served with the Royal Naval Air Service where he joined as a fighter pilot in 1916, eight years before the Royal Canadian Air Force came into existence. Botterell currently resides in Toronto.
During the first World War, Botterell's main "claim to fame" occurred over France while he was flying his 208 Squadron Sopwith Camel. The incident occurred when he encountered a manned observation balloon belonging to opposing forces. Botterell promptly fired at the balloon with his aircraft's machine gun. As the flaming remains of the balloon fell to the ground, Botterell had time to swing around and pick off the balloon's occupant as he parachuted to the ground. Instead of taking a shot at the reluctant parachutist, Botterell came within close contact of his opponent and snapped him a salute before continuing on his way.
Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas
Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 1 p.m. CSTHaving spent a quiet holiday weekend in orbit aboard the International Space Station (ISS) Alpha, the Expedition One crew members maintained a Naval New Year's tradition as they prepared to begin their tenth week in space.With crewmates Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev at his side, Alpha Commander Bill Shepherd, a U.S. Navy Captain, provided a poem he wrote on board, capturing his thoughts and reflections, as he and his shipmates ushered in 2001. It is Naval tradition for the person on duty at the helm of a ship to provide an entry into the ship's log at the turn of the New Year. Shepherd wrote the following:
"In longstanding naval tradition, the first entry in a ship's log for the New Year is always recorded in prose. We would like to share with all, the entry being made in the log tonight as 'Alpha' salutes the New Year"-SHIP'S LOG 0000 01 JAN 2001
We sail onboard space station "Alpha"
Orbiting high above Earth, still in night
Traveling our destined journey
beyond realm of sea voyage or flightA first New Year is upon us
Eight strikes on the bell now as one
The globe spins below on its motion
Counting the last thousand years done.15 midnights to this night in orbit
A clockwork not of earthly pace
Our day with different meaning now
In this, a new age and placeWe move with a speed and time
Past that which human hands can tell
Computers programmed-like boxes
Where only thoughts' shadows dwell"Central post" our ship's bridge aboard
Screens dancing shapes in pale glow
We guide her course by electronic pulse
In figures no compass could showOur panels set as sails to the Sun
With wake not ever seen but there
Only gyros feel the silent tugs
Wisps, swirls of such ocean rareOn this ship's deck sits no helm now
Rudder, sheet, and rig long since gone
But here still-- a pull to go places
Beyond lines where sky meets the dawnThough star trackers mark Altair and Vega
Same as mariners eyed long ago
We are still as wayfinders of knowledge
Seeking new things that mankind shall know.We commend to crews that will follow
Merit of the good ship we sail
Let Sun shine strong on Alpha's wings
A symbol, and bright star we long hail.
The crew members spent a relaxing New Year's Eve holding private conferences with their families as they gear up for a busy week of biomedical experiments and preparations for the next Shuttle assembly flight to the ISS which is scheduled for launch the third week in January. The International Space Station Alpha continues to orbit the Earth in excellent shape at an altitude of 230 statute miles as it enters its fourth calendar year of existence. The next Expedition One status report will be issued on Wednesday, Jan. 3, or sooner, if developments warrant.
NASA Johnson Space Center Shuttle Mission/Space Station Status Reports and other information are available automatically by sending an Internet electronic mail message to majordomo@listserver.jsc.nasa.gov. In the body of the message (not the subject line) users should type "subscribe hsfnews" (no quotes). This will add the email address that sent the subscribe message to the news release distribution list. The system will reply
Websites of Interest to CATPM members:
Pay them a visit and
check out the photos and stories.
SHEARWATER AVIATION MUSEUM The Shearwater Aviation Museum was founded in 1978 as a CFB Shearwater project. The purpose of the Museum is to acquire, conserve, organize, research and interpret to Canadian Forces personnel and to public at large for their study, education and enjoyment, those artifacts and documents which best serve to exemplify the history and technology of Canadian Maritime Military Aviation.
Email: awmuseum@ns.sympatico.ca.The Museum has amassed over 6000 artifacts from across the country from people who had any association with the air base at Dartmouth. This collection includes uniforms, insignia, ceremonial items, tools and equipment, photographs, documents and an extensive art gallery. The Museum has also acquired a large collection of derelict or retired aircraft which represented various types of aircraft flown from the Dartmouth/Shearwater base.
"Situated in one of the most beautiful parts of the South Island of New Zealand is an amazing collection of airworthy World War II fighters. Wanaka Airport is host to the New Zealand Fighter Pilots Museum and the Alpine Fighter Collection.The Alpine Fighter Collection have a number of classic aircraft from the piston engine era. Combined with these famous aircraft is a museum that not only displays the aircraft but provides an insight into an era that has now passed.
In 1945 New Zealand had a population of under 1.5 million. During World War II this small country provided (on a per capita basis) the largest number of aircrew (57,000) and the largest number of fighter aces (83) of any country in the world. It is a sad statement, also, that they contributed the largest number of aircrew killed.
The New Zealand Fighter Pilots Museum is nearly eight years old. In that time over 125,000 visitors from around the world have visited us to learn and be entertained. In the four years since this site was launched, the number of visitors to this website has surpassed twice that number. The Museum's main purpose is to honour and record the history of New Zealand Fighter Pilots and their crew and to educate the public about their history.
I welcome you to these pages and hope that you too will learn, be entertained and most importantly gain an insight into the lives of pilots and the aircraft they flew over fifty years ago."
Ian J Brodie
New Zealand Fighter Pilots MuseumFeatured attractions at this website include:
The New Zealand Warbirds Association is an umbrella body dedicated to the restoration, preservation and operation of service aircraft in full flying condition. Nationwide, we are a vitally alive family of involved participants who provide the wide range of skills and support necessary to maintain and operate these classic aircraft. THE NEW ZEALAND WARBIRDS ASSOCIATION
Preserving Service Aircraft in flying condition for the enjoyment and education
of present and future generations of New ZealandersWarbirds was originally conceived in 1978 to preserve ex RNZAF service aircraft only but this has been expanded by the successful introduction of service aircraft from all over the world including Russian, German and Chinese types. British and American aircraft never seen in service here also figure prominently. Everything from biplanes to jet fighters!
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Part II
See As You Were... October 2000 for Part I Regardless of the country of issue, posters during World War II were designed to incite the citizenry at home to do their part in producing for the war effort. It was the perfect propaganda tool in making the war aims the personal mission of every citizen. During the war, both the government and the private sector issued a variety of posters joining the home front with the military front, in an effort to boost production at home and work and to encourage and promote patriotism. The images that involved the strongest responses usually focused around casting a woman as the central figure. Whether it be the sweetheart or young mother left at home to carry on, to the mother worrying about her son's safe return to the housewife pressed into the work sector, these images stand as a testament to the strength, the tenderness, the vitality of all women. That, after all, is what every soldier was fighting for. This site is dedicated to them. |
This Month's CyberSmileS. . . ![]()
I HAD BEEN POSTED to a small Air Force radar site. One Friday after finishing my paper work, I leaned back and propped my feet on the desk. Just then the captain came into my office. "Sergeant," he snapped, "sitting like that shows the troops poor military bearing and image!" Then he said, "Come with me. The commander wants to see us."
When we arrived at the colonel's office, he was leaning back with his feet propped up on the desk. I glanced at the captain and whispered, "Well, sir, would you like to tell him, or shall I?"
-- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Humor In Uniform" by SSgt. Dennis J. JurkoAFTER 30 DAYS of living in a tent during an Air Force training exercise, another officer and I were driving back to our home base, nine hours away. We were in our field uniforms and were dirty, tired, stubble-faced and hungry, so we decided to stop at a fast-food restaurant.When I reached for my wallet to pay, the cashier assured us that there was no charge for the meal. This generosity toward those in the service of their country brought a lump to my throat. Once seated, we saw the large sign on the wall reading: "Free Meal to Everyone in Costume." We had forgotten it was October 31.
-- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Humor In Uniform" by Lt. Col. Ronald P. Kenner
from the
COMMONWEALTH AIR TRAINING PLAN MUSEUMOurs is a typical Foundation in that only the interest earned can be used and the capital remains untouched. A charitable donation receipt will be issued for each donation and the donation can be made ‘in memory’ of a group or an individual. Our immediate need is to build up the Foundation capital large enough so that the interest earned will be able to pay most if not all the utilities. If you wish to contribute to the Foundation please send your donation in care of the museum. C.A.T.P.M., Box 3, Group 520, RR#5, Brandon, MB, R7A 5Y5
Foundation Report
This CATPM Foundation report covers the period from November 01, 1999 through to October 31, 2000. At October 31, 2000 the Foundation was worth a total of $151,396.80. This year’s donations were by: Shirley Lund, Lindsay Grieve, Elva Taylor, Mrs. A.T. Woodland, H.A. Findlater, Len Butson, R.L. Halstead, Donald H. Cheney, J. Harold Grand, A.T. Joerissen, R.F. Hubley DFC CD, LtCol E.W. Smith DSO CrdeG, J. Norman Lillico, John C. Turnbull, F. Kruger, LtCol R.E. Zwicker, R.G. Ogilvie, Robert M. Graham, F/L. E.R. Lovekin, G.W. Clubb, Wilfred Riddle, C. Darrow, G.T. Purchase, Alen Hansen, W. Bourns, M. Wong, Allan C. McColl, V. Jersey Estate c/o Sam Side Agencies Ltd., E.B. Stewart, Robert Graham, Gordon Clubb-Les Anderson, and G.E. Chamney.
In memory of Robert H. Proudlock WWII R.C.A.F. - Mrs. H.G. Proudlock
In memory of Marlene Leonard - Linda Leslie and Family
In memory of Wes Agnew - Cy & Kay Moir, Mrs. Myrtle Morrison, Bill, Ann, Ella, Sarah & Matthew Kruk Sharon & Kenneth West, Andi & Harold Price, Dale & Edwina White, Coral A. Davids-Fry, Alice Fry, Harry & Pearl Hayward, Edith Vanduseu, Maggie & Richard Duncan,
Les & Mary Jones, Ladies Auxiliary to the CATPM, Elizabeth Calverley, Alice Little, Betty Mayes, Fred Reddaway, Arnold & Brenda Hicks, Archie Londry, Elmer Hicks, Clarence & Pat Davis, Marjorie Watt, Don & Mollie Rollins, William & Ruth Heape, Jack & Pam Stacy,
Loretta Hauser, Reg Forbes, Phil Fraser, Lyle Gibson, Hartney Flying Club, Hazel & Wes Rose,
Edith & Bill Docking, Jim & Florence McQueen, Kathleen & Richard Dryden, Sheridan & Margaret Atkinson, Dorothy Agnew, Ian & Jean Morton, Wayne & Donna Drummond,
Frank & Shirley McManes, Grant & Lorna Peake, Jack Kerr, Murray & Sharon Maguire
John & Phyllis Morrison, Jim & Laura Brown.In memory of my father, Clarence H. Rawson of Petrolia, Ontario(deceased). - Cathy Fielding
In memory of all Minnedosa (Manitoba) District World War II Servicemen who paid the supreme sacrifice. - Royal Canadian Legion - General Hugh Dyer Branch No. 138
In memory of Hattie McEachen. - Ladies Auxiliary to the CATPM
In memory of Russell A. Mansfield. - Dave Mansfield
In memory of Frank Watt. - William GouldIn memory of A.V.M. K.G. Nairn. - Marcus Nairn
In memory of Air Vice Marshall G.R. Howsam C.B. M.C. - Peter & Shirley Howsam
In memory of P/O H. R. McAllister and F/O G. B. Johnson - Stuart & Donna Johnson
In memory of Wm. Warner. - L.M. & C.M. Warner
In memory of those who served in Western Air Command. - D.A. Milloy
In memory of Flying Officer R.W. Harrison, Pilot Officer C.H. Compton and Sergeant E.H. Grundy who were all killed in action during a raid on Dusseldorf, Germany on the night of November 2, 1944. - R.Y. Hodgson
In memory of F.O. James R. Lawlor of Kenton, Manitoba from the estate of Andrew (Drew) Allan Lauder. - Muriel E. Lauder
In memory of Mavis McNarry. - Harry & Pearl Hayward, June & Frank Bollman, Stuart & Donna Johnson.
In memory of Gus Long. - Grace Englund
In memory of Padre B.P Smyth. - Rev. Lambert Willis
In memory of Squadron Leader W.T. Klersy D.S.O. D.F.C. & Bar. - Robert Clarke
In memory of all personnel of 415 RCAF Squadron. - Louis Coleman
In memory of Francis Stewart. - James & Florence McQueen
In memory of Don McKay. - Laverne Haley
News Release:
EX-AIR GUNNERSThe Ex-Air Gunners' Association of Canada Inc. saw the light of day in March 1983 with nine founding members. Over the years the membership rose to 1269. At the September 2000 Reunion in Edmonton it was agreed to wind up the National organization but retain the Provincial Branches as autonomous entities. With the demise of the National the quarterly News Letter, SHORT BURSTS came to an end after 71 Issues. The news letter was the glue that kept the Association united and it will be missed, however, the CATP Museum Inc. in Brandon, Manitoba has kindly offered to let the Ex- Air Gunners' share their Web page. www.airmuseum.ca
Bill Hillman of Brandon is the volunteer who master minds the Web page, Bill's efforts are greatly appreciated.[Editor's Note: We are glad to welcome the Ex-Air Gunners' Association to the CATP Museum site. Watch our main contents page/notice board for notice of the appearance of their special webpage which is currently under construction. ~WGH]Through this avenue of contact the members will be able to keep in contact. It is suggested that each group have a member, or members, who can access the material from the Net and distribute it to members in their area. Each group could put their regular meeting dates and locations, as well as news from their area, on the Web, along with
anecdotes and stories from their members. An 'on line' News Letter! (A step up from the AT1 and AR2)
Send your material by E-mail, or Snail mail, to:
John Moyles
Box 6
Kenosee Lake
E-mail tweedhouse@sk.sympatico.caPictures are also welcome. A number of members in each area across the country will be informed about this and, hopefully, the word will spread to all members.
Dennis Hanna
#0821 Niagra Falls, On. AG 576 Squadron -
Dennis passed away December 25, 2000.
Dennis was a frequent contributor to SHORT BURSTS.
Our condolences go out to his wife, June, and family.
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As You Were: Contents